Sleepless in Seattle, UX, and Online Creeping in 2023The first time I saw Sleepless in Seattle growing up, I never thought I’d end up living in Seattle… I even remember where I first had lunch…Mar 12, 2023Mar 12, 2023
OneDrive Mac sync broken? Reclaim your space bydeleting the local files cache!Find where files are synced and flexMar 5, 2023Mar 5, 2023
Writer’s block is not having read enoughIf you’re stuck, you might not have read enough to form a strong opinion. Read more and more and more.Mar 19, 2021Mar 19, 2021
Why I will not buy a newer Apple WatchI was enthused by Apple a few years ago when they announced updates to the WatchOS Bluetooth audio APIs that would allow apps to stream…Sep 2, 2020Sep 2, 2020
Published inMac O’ClockMac won't update even after restart? Use the terminal!I saw that there were some new updates to MacOS Catalina, so I tried to install them through System Preferences / Software update:Jun 10, 2020Jun 10, 2020
Trying to get a great low-cost airline deal? Always buy with the local currency!The USD/MXN Tax — exchange rate variabilitySep 2, 2019Sep 2, 2019
UW HCDE 598 Final Project: Mexican Finger Surprise ToyI built a toy from my childhood using techniques learned and materials used during this quarter… and it worked!Jun 12, 2019Jun 12, 2019
UW HCDE 598 — Digital Fabrication Assignment 6: Molding and Casting — TriangLegoTL;DR: Milled something, created a mold of said something, casted copies of the something using the mold.May 27, 2019May 27, 2019
A5: Subtractive Fabrication and CNC millingTime to box all these feelings up… in a CNC milled box.May 13, 2019May 13, 2019